
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The sun, the sun!

By the gods, if I lived in a sunny warm climate I'd probably live to be 100! I come alive with warmth, heat. Here, in gray usually dismal Portland, I've got maybe five years left. Hell of a fix.

But I surely enjoy these sunny Portland days and who knows, maybe with global warming we'll even get more of them.

A very very productive day. This morning I wrote a story development exercise for my students to do in class tomorrow. Best of its kind I've written. I'll use it from now on -- wish I'd thought of it years ago. Then I ran errands, getting scrapple ingredients, came home to find the grinder had arrived, assembled it, did some yard work and maybe more to do later, or maybe not.

Busy all day, warm all day. WARM ALL DAY! What a blessing.


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