
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday thoughts

Tried my buffalo scrapple for breakfast, good, but next time I'm tweaking the spices a bit. Some thoughts this morning:

  • Father's Day. I miss my dad, of course, but otherwise it's a meaningless day. Never been a parent.
  • As a matter of fact, I've never played a video game either. These two facts surely make me a Martian in American culture.
  • Couldn't find Sketch. He was visiting the neighbors. Too damn friendly ha ha.
  • The older I get, the less I know. But I think I know this: Nature wins. Man's ills are a direct result of going against or ignoring or being ignorant of the laws of the natural world. This is true of human relationships, too, I think, particularly with regard to sexuality. Note the root meaning of "infidelity" is not about sex, which would be "ineroticity" or something. It's betrayal of friendship in its root meaning. Fidelia, eros, agape, as the Greeks had it, which is better than the term Love, so broad as to become meaningless.
  • Been watching Euro 2012, the soccer/European football tournament. The more I watch soccer, the better I understand it and also understand why it's the most popular sport in the world. It is a more engaging game than American football, relentless in its tension, and soccer players have to be in far, far better shape than American football players. Living here, we get so brainwashed about "American things" being better than counterparts elsewhere. I still haven't tried to understand cricket but it wouldn't surprise me to learn it's as good or better a game than baseball. 
  • Back to lousy weather. A day or two of summer, back to sucky Portland's one shade of gray.


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