
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Slug city

Still no energy. Made a doc appt. Something may not be right.

The 4th. I hate it. I spend my time comforting Sketch and trying not to remind myself that in VA hospitals everywhere dudes are hitting the floor screaming "Incoming!" Great legacy.

Heinrich Kley

The older I get, the more I appreciate the grotesque brilliant drawings of Heinrich Kley, whose work I first encountered in te 1960s. Looks like the common state of human affairs to me.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Daily Kos: American Indians organize largest Get Out the Vote campaign in history. You can help make it happen

Daily Kos: American Indians organize largest Get Out the Vote campaign in history. You can help make it happen:

"A million American Indians aren't registered to vote. A million!"

Spray-on Rechargeable Batteries Could Store Energy Anywhere | Wired Science |

Spray-on Rechargeable Batteries Could Store Energy Anywhere | Wired Science |


A delightful evening, a two and a half hour dinner conversation with TS, my friend for 40+ years, beginning in grad school, actor, artist, retiree loving every moment of it. I should do this more often but I've outlived the local folks I once did this with.

Meanwhile, on the local front, gray weather extended through Tuesday. I don't expect to get much done, still taking it easy, maybe if the sun actually returns Wed. I can get a few chores done. Lots to read, lots of listen to, it's not as if I'm bored. I'm never bored -- well, unless I'm in an average conversation ha ha. Last night was great.

Shakespeare and me: Sir Ben Kingsley | Culture | The Observer

Shakespeare and me: Sir Ben Kingsley | Culture | The Observer:

Shakespeare and me: Dame Judi Dench | Culture | The Observer

Shakespeare and me: Dame Judi Dench | Culture | The Observer:

Let's end this rotten culture that only rewards rogues | Will Hutton | | The Observer

Let's end this rotten culture that only rewards rogues | Will Hutton | Comment is free | The Observer:

Sunday, July 1, 2012

World football

It was the summer in grad school when we camped between Oregon and Nova Scotia. We had money and free time and no plans. It was fantastic.

One hot southwestern afternoon we rolled into a small college town in search of lunch and cold drinks. The town was in party mode. Turns out the World Cup was on and a large number of foreign students were showing their American friends what football was really about. We joined the party but only recently did I get the message.

All this comes to mind waiting for Spain v Italy.

Dinner date

My old friend Tom is coming through town and we're getting together tonight. Looking forward to it. He's one of the older friends I have left in this world, going back to U of O in the early 70s or maybe it was the late 60s. He played the lead in the first one-act I had produced.

Continued improvement on the health front. About time. No, let's not anger the gods, I take that back.

I actually did some writing this morning. I need to fill my mind with distractions from the world at large. Nothing ambitious, mind you, but something to keep me occupied.

ANTM cycle 18 British Invasion episode13 Final

SOPHIE SUMNER - British Model